You'll have fun knitting the Bewind Hat by Lynnell Kosner. The hat uses a simple twisted stitch pattern to create a winding motif that spirals it's way to the top of the crown. Lynnell says, "If you can work a knit 2 together (k2tog), then you can knit the twisted stitch."
We've paired this great design with Frida yarn by Lang. Frida is Merino Extrafine Superwash worsted weight with 220m (approximately 240 yds) per ball.
Speaking of twists, we've added a fun twist to this kit. Each kit comes with 2 options for the pom pom. Choose your kit and post you pom color choice in the notes at check out. Example, if you choose kit 008, enter "Blue" OR "Grey" in the Notes section at checkout.
Special pricing on kits. Quantities are limited. Kits include yarn in your color choice, pattern, and one pom snap-on pom of your choice.